Renovations and Demolitions

You Must Notify SCDES of Renovations & Demolitions

Prior to removing regulated asbestos-containing materials, written notification (pdf) must be submitted to SCDES (up to 10 working days in advance, depending on the amount of asbestos to be removed). The notification must include certain required items of information about the owner, the contractor, the facility, and the asbestos removal project. Required fees must be submitted along with the notification.

Asbestos in Your Home

There are only two ways to determine if a material contains asbestos. The first way is to contact the manufacturer of the product. If you are not sure who the manufacturer of the product is, the individuals who installed the material may know. If you are unable to track down the origin of the material, the only other way to determine if asbestos is present it to have the material tested by a laboratory. In order for a lab to determine if a material has asbestos in it, a sample must be studied under a microscope.

Air Quality Regulation - Small Business Assistance Program

A free, non-regulatory service of the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services

Many small business owners may not fully understand environmental regulations and may not have the resources to hire an environmental consultant to determine if their business operation requires an environmental permit. The South Carolina Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SC SBEAP) is available to help determine if your business may require this type of permit through technical assistance, education, outreach, and advocacy at no cost to the business.

Wood Working Operations

Wood working operation means any operation involving the generation of small wood waste particles (shavings, sanderdust, sawdust, etc.) by any kind of mechanical manipulation of wood or wood byproducts. Wood working operations may be eligible for coverage under the registration permit if the facility is comprised of the following:

Sources Exempt from Air Quality Construction Permits

No construction permits shall be required for the sources listed in Regulation 61-62.1, Section II (B)(1)(a) through (c) (pdf) which burn virgin fuel and which were constructed prior to February 11, 1971 and which are not located at a facility that meets the definition of a major source as defined in Regulation 61-62.70.2(r) (pdf); however, modifications at these facilities may trigger the requirement to obtain a construction permit.