The FY26 grant application period is now OPEN.
If you have any questions, please contact


SCDES's Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling (Office) provides grant opportunities to local counties, cities, towns, or regions within South Carolina that provide solid waste services. Applications are typically available every fiscal year opening in the spring. Any local government or region that applies must have demonstrated a good faith effort to meet the requirements of the S.C. Solid Waste Policy and Management Act of 1991 and submitted the appropriate reports as required by the Act.

Solid Waste Grant Program

The Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program is funded by a $2 fee on appliances and lead-acid batteries charged upon purchase at the retail level. The grant program funds general recycling or waste reduction projects.

  • Cycle: Annual
  • Eligible Applicants: Counties, cities, towns, or regions within South Carolina that provide solid waste services.
  • Award Amounts: Competitive
  • Scope: Projects that can demonstrate a positive impact on a local government's efforts to reach their recycling and waste reduction goals.
Contact - Stefanie Vandiver, Solid Waste, (803) 898-1354

The Used Motor Oil Grant Program

The Used Motor Oil Program is funded by a fee of two cents per quart collected at the wholesale level on the sale of motor oil. Grant funding may be used by counties and municipalities for the implementation or expansion of programs associated with the proper disposal of used motor oil, used motor oil filters and used oil/gasoline mixtures by do-it-yourself oil changers.

  • Cycle: Annual
  • Eligible Applicants: Counties, cities, towns, or regions within South Carolina that provide solid waste services.
  • Award Amounts: Competitive
  • Scope: Establishment, expansion and continued operation of used motor oil collection programs for do-it-yourselfer oil changers. This is to include equipment and programs related to the collection of used motor oil, oil filters, oil bottles and oil/gasoline mixtures.
Contact - Woody Barnes, Used Oil, (803) 898-1345

The Waste Tire Grant Program

The Waste Tire Grant Program is funded by a $2 fee per tire at the retail level. Of that amount, 50 cents is used for grants to counties or local governments. Waste tire grants are used for costs associated with the collection or recycling of waste tires.

  • Cycle: Annual with mid-year applications accepted for stockpile remediation.
  • Eligible Applicants: Counties, cities, towns, or regions within South Carolina that provide solid waste services.
  • Award Amounts: Competitive
  • Scope: Collection and recycling of waste tires as well as remediation of waste tire dump sites.
Contact - Woody Barnes, Used Oil, (803) 898-1345