A textile operation may be eligible for coverage under one of the two general permits if the facility produces any of the following:
- Staple fibers and filaments suitable for conversion to or use as yarns, or for the preparation of woven, knit, or non-woven fabrics;
- Yarns made from natural or manufactured fiber;
- Fabrics and other manufactured products made from staple fibers and filaments and from yarn; and/or
- Garments and other articles fabricated from fibers, yarns, or fabrics.
Facilities may be comprised of the following:
- Fuel combustion sources;
- Greige operations;
- Dyeing, finishing, printing and coating operations;
- Slashing operations; and/or
- Storage vessels and tanks.
The following sources are exempt based on S.C. Regulation 61-62.1, Section II(B) and do not have to request an exemption for installation:
- Commercial air conditioning units or air wash systems collecting dust from spinning and textile operations;
- Storage silos for solid sizing material, which are loaded/unloaded by closed transfers;
- Lab scale fabric finishing and testing operations used for the purposes of research and development and/or quality control only; and
- Filters located on vacuum or collection systems that collect fiber dust from textile operations (Abington systems).
General State Operating Permit
- Stationary combustion sources at the facility must be fired on natural gas, propane, virgin fuel oil (sulfur content equal to or less than 0.5% by weight), biodiesel that meets ASTM D-6751 or used spec oil as defined in Regulation 61-62.1, Section I.
- The maximum capacity of any individual boiler on-site is limited to 100 million BTU/hr heat input capacity.
- Facilities subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart VVV shall use less than 90 Mg/yr of VOC.
General Conditional Major Operating Permit
- Stationary combustion sources at the facility must be fired on natural gas, propane, virgin fuel oil (sulfur content equal to or less than 2.1% by weight), biodiesel that meets ASTM D-6751 or used spec oil as defined in Regulation 61-62.1, Section I.
- The maximum capacity of any individual boiler on-site is limited to 100 million BTU/hr heat input capacity.
- Facilities subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart VVV shall use less than 90 Mg/yr of VOC.
How Do I Apply for the General Permit?
Paper applications for all non-Title V sources will no longer be accepted after Feb. 1, 2025. All submissions should be submitted through ePermitting.
Emission Estimator Tools:
- VOC-HAP Emissions Estimator: The spreadsheet calculates VOC and HAP emissions from sizing and finishing using a material balance.
- Fuel Combustion Emissions Estimator: The spreadsheet calculates Criteria Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas emissions from combustion sources emission factors.
Reporting Tools:
- Textile Record Keeping Worksheet: The spreadsheet calculates 12 month rolling sum totals for VOC and HAP emissions from sizing and finishing and as well as SO2 and NOX emissions from fuel combustion.