Alternative Fuels

Although the Underground Storage Tank Management Division has begun the use of the Alternative Fuel Installation Application/Conversion Notification (pdf) checklist, compatibility between alternative fuels and typical UST system components continues to be an issue. Our support for the industry includes making sure that the proper safeguards are in place so that the positive environmental contributions of renewable fuels are not negated by using equipment that may not be compatible.

Required Operator Training

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58) and South Carolina Underground Storage Tank Control Regulations effective May 23, 2008 (R.61-92, Part 280.35) state that every UST facility is required to have a trained operator in each of 3 classes: A, B, and C. This regulation was put into effect in an attempt to prevent releases from underground storage tanks. The Division of Underground Storage Tank Management has decided to combine training for Class A and Class B Operators. 

Compliance, Inspections

Inspections are normally conducted on a 12 month basis. The inspector will call the tank owner 7 to 10 days prior to schedule the inspection.

One part of the inspection process will be records review. The following is a list of the minimum records that will be needed for the review (dependent upon equipment in place, methods in use, and manufacturer specifications):

Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement


The Mining and Reclamation Section conducts the administrative and technical review on all applications for mining permits. The time spent conducting the review depends on the type of permit, complexity of the proposed operation, potential for environmental impact and proposed reclamation. The issuance or denial of a mining permit is based on criteria set in 48-20-70 of the Mining Act.