Thursday, September 5, 2019
This page will be updated regularly as information becomes available.

This page will be updated regularly as information becomes available
In response to Hurricane Dorian, SCDES staff continue to actively assess and respond to public health and environmental needs across the state. For important information, please visit our hurricane preparedness page and visit the S.C. Emergency Management Division webpage.
SCDES Care Line
DES’s Care Line call center is open to provide information and answer general questions about SCDES services: 1-855-472-3432.
Health Care Facilities
The Governor issued a Mandatory Medical Evacuation Order Sept. 1 for health care facilities located within the evacuation zone. SCDES is currently in communications with all 175 health care facilities impacted by the mandatory medical evacuation order, including:
- 13 hospitals
- 25 nursing homes
- 92 assisted living facilities
As of Sept. 5, three hospitals have closed, one is sheltering in place, and nine hospitals have been granted exemptions from mandatory medical evacuations.
Controlled Substances
SCDES has authorized a statewide, one-time early refill of Schedule III-V prescriptions for valid refills that are due within the next seven days. Schedule II prescriptions can be refilled via oral authorization throughout the state from a prescribing practitioner if an emergency situation exists, in compliance with how an emergency situation is defined as in the Controlled Substances regulation. Additional information is available here.
Special Medical Needs Shelters
As of Sept. 5, there are 5 special medical needs shelters open and 18 shelters on standby. Special Medical Needs Shelters provide shelter for people whose medical conditions exceed the capabilities of the Red Cross shelters but are not severe enough to require a hospital stay. SCDES doesn’t provide health care services in these shelters.
Please call the Care Line at 1-855-472-3432 to determine eligibility for Special Medical Needs Shelters.
On Sept. 4, SCDES staff conducted pre-storm assessments of an additional nine dams in areas predicted to receive five inches or more of rain, based on updated weather models. A total of 31 dams were assessment ahead of the storm. Please click here for the list of dams, their locations and classifications.
A CodeRed notification was delivered Sept. 2 to all dam owners and operators located in areas of concern based on predicted rainfall.
If you have a concern about a dam that may have been impacted by the storm, please call SCDES at (803) 898-1939.
Private Wells
If a well has been flooded, it needs to be disinfected and tested to ensure it’s safe. Please see the Sept. 4 update for information about private well testing and disinfection.
For questions about testing a private well that’s flooded, call your local SCDES Environmental Affairs office.
Storm Debris Disposal
To dispose of storm debris, please call the landfill in advance to ensure it's open and can accept the debris. More information is available here.
Drinking & Wastewater
SCDES conducted assessments of drinking water plants and intakes and wastewater plants within potential flood inundation areas. Staff have been in contact with 84 community drinking water systems and 76 wastewater treatment facilities located along the coast.
Shellfish Harvesting Closure
On Sept. 3, SCDES closed summer shellfish harvesting along the coast.
Coastal Resources and Sandbags
SCDES has issued blanket emergency orders to local governments that allow property owners along the immediate beachfront to conduct sand scraping or install sandbags. SCDES also has asked local governments to provide updates on beachfront erosion and damage through our MYCoast application.
Petroleum Distribution Terminals
To facilitate the distribution of fuel to areas impacted by mandatory evacuations, SCDES requested and received a No Action Assurance letter from EPA.
SCDES Office Closures
SCDES follows the closings and delays of county offices. The latest information on delays and closures can be found at or on local media.
Stay Connected
Stay tuned to your local weather forecast and get the latest information about our preparation and response efforts by following us on Twitter and Facebook.