Guidance Tools
Our emission calculators provide sector industry-specific assistance in calculating emissions estimates from common air pollutants, such as VOC's, PM, PM10. These calculated emissions help determine what type of air permit is needed. Listed below various industrial category calculators to help determine your emissions. Also provided are compliance assistance tools, such as reporting and record-keeping tools, to help you to comply with permit requirements.
Industry Specific Assistance
(BAQ does not guarantee the accuracy or appropriateness of this information. Emission factor sources are subject to revision or correction. It is the permittee's responsibility to verify the accuracy of the information. BAQ is not liable for errors or omissions.)
- Fuel Combustion Calculator This spreadsheet calculates Criteria Pollutant emissions from combustion sources using emission factors.
- VOC, HAP Calculator This spreadsheet calculates VOC and HAP emissions using a material balance.
- 12 Month Rolling Sum Calculator (pdf) * (Record Keeping/Reporting Tool for calculating an quarterly, semiannual and annual 12 month rolling sum)
- Fuel Combustion Record and Reporting Worksheet This spreadsheet calculates the 12 month rolling sum emissions reporting tool for fuel combustion sources.
Air Guidance & Permitting Tools
- Portable Equipment (pdf) Guidance on portable/transportable process equipment for non-PSD sources.
- Process Weight Rate Determination Guidance (pdf) Guidance for Standard 4, Section VIII- PM Emissions Limitations.
- Voluntary Control Devices (pdf) Guidance for Voluntary Control Devices.
- Guidance for Single Source Determinations (pdf) Guidance for determining whether two or more facilities should be collocated or considered a single source for the purposes of PSD/NSR.
- Fumigation Permitting Guidance (pdf) - Guidance to determine the type of permitting action required for fumigation activities.
Exemption Guidance
- Air Permitting Exemptions List (pdf) List of construction permitting exemptions.
- PSD Like for Like Replacement (pdf) Guidance Document; Like-for-Like replacement of equipment and control device(s) at Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Major Sources.
- Non-PSD Like for Like Replacement (pdf) Guidance Document; Like-for-Like replacement of equipment and control device(s) at Non-Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) sources.
Exemption Equipment List Example
- Exempt Equipment List (xlsx) This spreadsheet can be used onsite to maintain your list of exempt equipment as required by your permit. This spreadsheet can also be uploaded into the OSIL submission in ePermitting, if the following criteria is adhered to:
- The file name must remain unchanged, "Exempt Equipment List"
- The name and order of the columns must remain unchanged
- Additional information can be found on the Reference Sheet tab in the spreadsheet
Relocation Guidance
- Relocation Guidance (pdf) Guidance Document; Relocation of equipment, control device(s) or entire facilities.
Construction/Exemption Permit Tools
- Simplifying the Air Permitting Process - Exemptions (Booklet) (pdf) this booklet provides a basic overview of the process to determine if equipment is eligible for a construction permit exemption.
- Construction Permit Emission Threshold & Permitting Table (pdf) Table of emissions thresholds for determining exemption or permitting status.
- Construction Permit for New Facility Flow Chart (pdf) Flow diagram outlining the construction permitting process for new facilities.
- Construction Permit for Existing Permitted Facilities Flow Chart (pdf) Flow diagram outlining the construction permitting process for existing facilities.
- Simplifying the Air Permitting Process - Construction Permit Application (Brochure) (pdf) Brochure identifies common construction permit application pitfalls.
- Simplifying the Air Permitting Process - Construction Permitting (Booklet) (pdf) This booklet provides a basic overview of the construction permit and application process.
PSD Construction Permit Tools and Guidance
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Construction Permits Flow Chart (pdf) Flow chart outlining the construction permitting process for PSD determination.
- Simplifying the Air Permitting Process - Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) (Brochure) (pdf) Brochure identifies common PSD construction permit application pitfalls and helpful tips.
- Approved List of Pre-Construction Activities Prior to Receiving a PSD Permit (pdf)
Title V Guidance
- Insignificant Activity List
- Streamlining PM Source Testing for Requirements Contained in Standard No. 1 (pdf)
- Streamlining Multiple Applicable Requirements on the same Emissions Unit (pdf)
* If the file does not open, please check your downloads folder as the pdf will automatically download.