Solid Waste Landfills and Structural Fill Regulation

How can I find out whether a landfill in my area is meeting the regulation requirements?

Your local environmental quality control office has an inspector who routinely inspects landfills in your area. The inspector has the most current knowledge of a landfill's compliance status. Every 5 years staff from the central office in Columbia review a landfill's file to include these inspection reports, as well as the facility's operation plan.

Landfill Classifications and General Requirements

Class One Landfill

Regulation 61-107.19 Part III contains the requirements for Class One Landfills. This section of the regulation addresses the general permit, general provision that are specific to these landfills, notice of intent procedures, and record keeping and reporting requirements. Anyone wanting a copy of the most recent general permit should contact Solid Waste Permitting and Monitoring Section staff.

How Landfills Work

How Landfills Work

It's not a dump - so don't call it that. It's not just some hole in the ground either - it's much too expensive to build and operate to think of it that way. It's a Class 3 landfill that accepts municipal solid waste (MSW). It's the place your household garbage calls home. So, just what is a Class 3 landfill? A Class 3 landfill is a scientifically engineered facility built into or on the ground that is designed to hold and isolate waste from the environment.