Dry Cleaning Facility Restoration Trust Fund
Dry Cleaning Facility Restoration Trust Fund
Dry Cleaning Facility Restoration Trust Fund
The State Coalition of Remediation of Dry Cleaners (funded by the EPA):
The Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program issues Permits to Construct and Permits to Operate to facilities that intend to emplace fluids into the subsurface by means of an injection well. The regulations set forth specific requirements for controlling underground injection in the state and include provisions for:
Water treatment plants are classified based on system size and type as defined by R. 44-55 State Safe Drinking Water Act.
A small water system is one that has its own well, or is served through a metered connection from a publicly-owned water system and has less than 1,000 feet of distribution piping that serves the following:
Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution licenses are issued through Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, Board of Environmental Certification. General information on licensing requirements is listed below.
In order to comply with the provisions of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, SC DHEC is authorized to collect a fee from each public water system based on the number of taps through which the system provides water to its customers.
The Drinking Water Enforcement Section functions to carry out enforcement actions involving all aspects of public water system compliance, public swimming pool/spa compliance, and well drilling activities compliance. The functions of this section, combined with the efforts of the Drinking Water Compliance Monitoring Section and other sections of this Bureau, the Environmental Affairs Regional Offices, and other areas within DHEC, work together to ensure safe drinking water for the continued health and welfare of the citizens of South Carolina.
Safe public drinking water in South Carolina is accomplished through a "multiple barrier" approach. Tools utilized in this approach include source water protection, certified water treatment plant operators, routine sanitary surveys, monitoring, treatment design and plan review. A cooperative partnership of the SC DHEC Drinking Water Program staff, the US EPA and drinking water professionals throughout the State helps to ensure safe, high quality drinking water in South Carolina.
24-HOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT: (888) 481-0125