Reporting Guidelines - (ELC)

The information posted to this page is meant to assist laboratories in reporting data to SCDES. But keep in mind that the ultimate authority for what is acceptable and what is not acceptable resides with the SCDES program area receiving and reviewing the data. Should information contained within this site differ from permit requirements or specific instructions provided by the program area to laboratories or clients, the program area's directions take precedence over the information found on this site.

Lab Director Designation - (ELC)

The Office of Environmental Laboratory Certification must be notified as soon as possible when there is a change in Laboratory Director. The Laboratory Director is defined by Regulation 61-81, as that person that has been given the responsibility by the laboratory's governing body (owners, directors, commissioners, councilmen, mayor, board members or who so ever occupies the status of proprietor) of supervising the operations of the laboratory and insuring the quality of data reported.

How to Apply - (ELC)

Pursuant to State Regulation 61-81, the "Application for Environmental Certification" should be completed by environmental laboratories applying for certification according to State Regulation 61-81. Laboratories seeking initial certification or the addition of parameters to their current certification must submit an application along with the documentation in the checklists below. Depending on the type of methods for which the laboratory is seeking certification, additional documentation is required.

Form Examples - (ELC)

Below is a list of forms developed by this office. The laboratory can use these forms as they are or can modify them. The forms below provide the information reviewed by this office. These forms may require additional information to make them complete and/or traceable based on how and where they are being used. They are provided as a service to the regulated community. 

Environmental Laboratory Certification - Laws and Regulations

South Carolina Regulation 61-81, State Environmental Laboratory Certification Program, gives the Office of Environmental Laboratory Certification authority to issue certification to laboratories analyzing regulatory compliance samples for reporting to DHEC.

Regulation 61-30, Environmental Protection Fees

Regulation 61-81, State Environmental Laboratory Certification Program