New-Indy anticipates it may be possible to start up the new steam stripper sooner than expected. To accommodate this, on January 16, 2025, New-Indy submitted a construction permit modification request, to shorten the minimum timeframes for two requirements. One requirement is for the collection of emissions data while combusting existing pulping process gases in the recovery furnace, for a minimum of 90 days prior to combusting gases and condensed liquid from the stripper system in the recovery furnace. The other requirement is to submit for Department review and approval, a continuous emissions monitoring data substitution plan, at least 90 days prior to startup of the new steam stripper or startup of sources being modified by the construction permit (New-Indy submitted a plan on January 8, 2025). To not delay startup of the new steam stripper, the Department is modifying the requirements in construction permit CP-50000061, to a minimum of 60 days of emission data collection and data substitution plan submittal 45 days prior to startup of the new steam stripper or startup of sources being modified. The Department believes 60 days will provide adequate baseline emissions data for comparison to the added combustion of stripper system gases and condensed liquid.

On March 16, 2023, New Indy Catawba LLC (New Indy) applied to the Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) for construction permits to:

  • Incorporate the limits and requirements from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Consent Decree in Civil Case No. 0:21-cv-02053-SAL.  This consent decree was approved by and entered into before the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina on November 16, 2022.
  • Install and operate a new ash handling system. The new ash handling system is being installed as one of the means by which the facility will discontinue the practice of adding solids to the clarifier as required by the EPA’s consent decree.

On March 23, 2023, New Indy Catawba LLC (New Indy) applied to the Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) for a construction permit to:

  • Install and operate a new foul condensate stripper and associated equipment and make changes to existing equipment and the foul condensate treatment scenarios as required by the Consent Order to Correct Undesirable Levels of Air Contaminants.  This consent order was signed on November 23, 2022.

BAQ has completed a technical review of the application. The technical review includes reviewing emissions calculations, performing a regulatory review, conducting an ambient air quality analysis and verifying that the proposed project can meet all applicable air quality regulations if constructed and operated in accordance with the air permit applications.

Once the technical review was completed, the three draft air construction permits, draft statements of basis, permit applications, and related documents were placed on public notice from May 13, 2023, through June 20, 2024.

On June 13, 2024, BAQ held a public hearing to accept written and verbal comments on the draft air construction permits for the proposed projects. Below are slides used at the public hearing to summarize the permits and their contents.

On July 22, 2024, BAQ made Department Decisions approving the issuance of the Air Quality Construction Permits to New-Indy. The decisions regarding the air permits were made after careful consideration and complete review of the following: the air permit applications, applicable state and federal air quality regulations, comments made at the public hearing held on June 13, 2024, and all comments received within the public comment period. All public comments received were reviewed and have been included in SCDES’s permanent record for this facility.

All Permits
Construction Permit CP-50000051

Permit for incorporation of limits and requirements from EPA’s Consent Decree. 

Construction Permit CP-50000061

Permit for installation and operation of a new foul condensate stripper, associated equipment, and foul condensate treatment scenarios.

Construction Permit CP-50000175

Permit for installation and operation of a new ash handling system.