The provided Stormwater Links below have been separated into three categories, Construction, Industrial, and MS4s, based on to which general permit the link most relates to.

The links to non-DHEC organizations below are provided solely as a service. The links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs. DHEC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

401 Water Quality

Information on when and how to apply and obtain a 401 Water Quality Certification through SC DHEC.

303(d) & TMDLs

DHEC provided resources to determine the nearest water quality monitoring station and associated impacts and TMDLs.

Funding Opportunities

EPA provided a list of funding opportunities for non-point source (stormwater) related projects.


Learn how to become a certified Stormwater Inspector in South Carolina.

Corps of Engineers

Impacting wetlands or other waters of the state? Check with the USACOE to ensure that additional permits aren't required.

Non-Metal Mineral Mining

Information on the NPDES Permit for Discharges from Non-metal Mineral Mining Facilities.

Construction Stormwater Links

CSPRCertified Stormwater Plan Review Certification. Information on upcoming classes, tests, and a list of all certified Plan Reviewers.
Acme Mapper 2.0Internet Map Resource that can provide aerial, terrain, mapnik, and topo maps from either an address or lat/long coordinates.
International Erosion Control AssociationThe International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is the world's oldest and largest association devoted to helping members solve the problems caused by erosion and its byproduct—sediment.
EPA StormwaterInformation on the Stormwater NPDES Permitting Program for construction activities.
Clean Water ActThe CWA requires anyone who wants to discharge pollutants to first obtain an NPDES permit, or else that discharge will be considered illegal.
National Wetlands InventoryA U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service that provides a nationwide wetlands mapper and other tools that may help in the delineation of on-site wetlands.
Clemson - 
Soil Testing
Information on how to obtain an in-depth analysis of soil on your site. This map aids in reaching final site stabilization within the appropriate time frame.
Web Soil SurveyA web application that allows you to obtain soil maps and soil data that can be used in the design of your site-specific SWPPP.
FEMA MapsFEMA Maps Service Center allows you to create site-specific flood maps to include in your SWPPP.

Industrial Stormwater Links

EPA Industrial StormwaterInformation on the Stormwater NPDES Permitting Program for industrial activities.
categories of 
Industrial Activities
Information on all identified categories of industrial activity that are required to be covered under an NPDES permit.
No Exposure CertificationIf industrial materials and operations are not exposed to stormwater there may be the opportunity to be excluded from NPDES industrial stormwater permit requirements.

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Links

EPA MS4 InformationInformation on the Stormwater NPDES Permitting Program for stormwater discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).
Menu of BMPsEPA's Menu of BMPs that is based on the Stormwater Phase II Rule's six minimum control measures. Information and definitions on BMPs can be found here.
SCASMThe SC Association of Stormwater Managers offers a listserve and training sessions about stormwater management policies and best practices. It also provides members a forum for sharing ideas and keeping current on state and federal laws.
Municipal Assoc. of SCLink to the Municipal Association of South Carolina that is dedicated to the principle of its founding members: to offer the services, programs and tools that will give municipal officials the knowledge, experience and tools for enabling the most efficient and effective operation of their municipalities in the complex world of municipal government.
Greenville CountyA Link to Greenville's County Stormwater Program which was developed in compliance with the Stormwater NPDES Permitting Program MS4's guidelines.
Final Effluent GuidelinesInformation on New EPA Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELGs) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) to control the discharge of pollutants from construction sites.
EPA National Rulemaking to Strengthen the Stormwater ProgramEPA has initiated a national rulemaking to establish a program to reduce stormwater discharges from new development and redevelopment and make other regulatory improvements to strengthen its stormwater program. This link has been provided for those seeking more information.