Delivery Prohibition

Delivery Prohibition (R.61-92, Part 280.26 (a)-(h)) is when the Division prohibits the delivery of fuel to an underground storage tank system by placing a red tag on the fill port. The process of delivery prohibition will most often begin by issuance of a Notice of Alleged Violation, either for compliance violations, financial responsibility violations, or operator training violations. After the 30 day follow-up period has passed, and compliance has still not been reached, a delivery prohibition letter will be issued.

Walkthrough Inspections

Walkthrough inspections can be done in conjunction with A/B operator requirements. A person knowledgeable in tank systems (does not have to be the A/B operator) must complete the inspection form. Walkthrough inspections include two components: monthly requirements and annual requirements. Walkthrough inspections must begin no later than May 26, 2020.

UST System Closures

Temporary Closure/Extended-Out-Of-Use (EOU)

Temporary Closure is an option that tank owners may choose when they decide not to use the tanks for a period of time. The proper temporary closure is referred to as Extended-Out-Of-Use (EOU). In order for a facility to remain in compliance while out-of-use, the following requirements must be met:

UST Current Certified Contractors

Below is a link to the current list of Class I certified contractors and Class II certified contractors. The certification requirements can be found here. The requirements of a Class I certified contractors include, but are not limited to, having a licensed professional engineer and/or professional geologist by the State of South Carolina on staff, plus the following insurance requirements: