Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - USDA
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is responsible for protecting and promoting United States agricultural health, administering the Animal Welfare Act, and carrying out wildlife damage management activities.

AQUAPLANT - Texas A&M University
This website was designed to help pond owners and their advisors in the identification and management of aquatic vegetation.

Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation
A nonprofit, tax-exempt foundation created to conduct and support applied research in the management of aquatic pest species, with a focus on nuisance vegetation. The corporation supports research for the control of aquatic weed species and exotic plants such as Eurasian water milfoil, hydrilla, water hyacinth, purple loosestrife, and other aquatic weeds found in lakes, ponds, reservoirs, rivers and streams.

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
An intergovernmental organization dedicated to preventing and controlling aquatic nuisance species.

Aquatic Plant Control Research Program - US Army Corps of Engineers
APCRP will continue to lead the Nation in the future, and is committed to the development, transfer, and implementation of aquatic plant management technologies to users in the Corps, as well as other Federal, state, and local agencies.

Aquatic Plant Information Retrieval System (APIRS)
Information on freshwater aquatic and wetland plants, as well as terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants, including annotated citations for more than 60,000 research articles, books and reports about plant ecology, physiology, utilization and control. The APIRS system includes information on herbicide selection, biological control, and mechanical control. Simulation models are included. 

Aquatic Plant Management Society
The Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. is an international organization of scientists, educators, students, commercial pesticide applicators, administrators, and concerned individuals interested in the management and study of aquatic plants. The membership reflects a diversity of federal, state, and local agencies; universities and colleges around the world; corporations; and small businesses.

Biological Control of Weeds Working Group
This working group focuses on fundamental and applied aspects of the biological control of weeds in Europe. One of the main objectives of the group is to bring together scientists from the scattered biological control community throughout Europe to promote discussion and joint experimentation. 

The emphasis of the database is on weeds considered noxious by the California Department of Food and Agriculture or a threat to wild lands by the California Invasive Plant Council. 

Center For Aquatic and Invasive Plants
The University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants and the Aquatic, Wetland, and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System. 

Clemson University's Department of Plant Industry
Clemson DPI serves to protect South Carolina's agricultural resources and natural ecosystems from the introduction and spread of plant and honey bee pests and invasive species.

Council for Agricultural Science and Technology

Federal Noxious Weeds Database
Database contains scientific names, family names, synonyms, common names, diagnostic characteristics, habitats, and distribution. 

Fire Effects Information System (FEIS)
Literature reviews of botanical characteristics, life cycle, habitat, succession, distribution, impacts, fire ecology, and fire effects for 1000 plant and animal species, including 67 non-native invasive species. 

Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society
Contains information and training for Florida's aquatic plant managers and information to provide a forum for government agency personnel to work with private sector aquatic plant managers in attaining the common goal of safe and effective aquatic plant control. 

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Aquatic plant management information. 

Florida Invasive Species Council
Goals include building public awareness about the serious threat invasive plants pose to native ecosystems, securing funding and support for control and management of exotic plants, and developing integrated management and control methods to prevent the spread of exotic pest plants throughout the United States. 

Global Compendium on Weeds - Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR)
At this website, you may search for a species of plant to check whether one or more of nearly 300 references lists that species as having weedy tendencies. This website previews information in an upcoming publication tentatively entitled A Global Compendium of Weeds. It contains references to approximately 20,000 taxa of plants, citing information about "weedy" characteristics of each based on information in nearly 300 references.  

Global Invasive Species Database
Contains invasive species information supplied by expert contributors from around the world. 

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. 

Invasive and Exotic Weed Species of North America -
Species lists can be searched by state or species at this invasive weeds of North America site. 

Invasive Plants of Canada - Canadian Botanical Conservation Network
Canadian Botanical Conservation Network has prepared a comprehensive list of invasive plant species found in Canada, including a description of each, and control methods for small scale invasions.

Invasive Plants of the Thirteen Southern States
This is a compilation of invasive plants listed by any of the 13 Southern States and those by federal agencies pertaining to these States as of December 2002. Plants listed include those from the Federal Noxious Weed List as of September 2000, State laws (denoted as Laws), and State exotic pest plant councils (denoted as Lists). Those invasive plants in Florida on other State laws and lists are included in the overall compilation, while species only on Florida laws and lists are in a later separate listing. - Aquatic Wetland Plants
A gateway to federal and state invasive species activities and programs.

Marine Invasions Research Lab
The ecology of aquatic invasions: Vectors, impacts, risk assessment and response. 

Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society
MAPMS provides information and assistance required by those who work with the unique ecological, sociological economic and regulatory concerns associated with managing aquatic plants in lake systems affected by exotic species, nutrient pollution, use conflicts and intense recreational demands.

The National Management Plan, The National Invasive Species Council, and the Invasive Species Advisory Committee
The Invasive Species Advisory Committee advises the Federal Invasive Species Council as it pursues the implementation of a National Invasive Species Management Plan, as ordered by the President in Executive Order 13112. 

Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society
The purpose of the Society shall be to assist in the management of aquatic vegetation, to provide for the scientific and educational advancement of members, to encourage scientific research in all facets of aquatic plant management, to promote an exchange of information among members and to extend and develop public understanding in the discipline. 

North American Lake Management Society
The purpose of the Society is to assist in the management of aquatic vegetation, to provide for the scientific and educational advancement of members, to encourage scientific research in all facets of aquatic plant management, to promote an exchange of information among members, and to extend and develop public understanding in the discipline. The North American Lake Management Society's mission is to forge partnerships among citizens, scientists, and professionals to foster the management and protection of lakes and reservoirs for today and tomorrow. 

North Carolina State University Aquatic Weed Management-Extension Information
The Aquatic Weed Management Program at NCSU offers basic information to County Extension Personnel and others interested in management of vegetation in ponds, lakes, and streams. 

Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems - Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)
Lists of plant species that are invasive (or potentially invasive) on Pacific islands. 

South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Society
In South Carolina alone, over 50,000 acres of public waterways and thousands of acres of private waters are infested with aquatic weeds. Heightened interest in research and control of nuisance aquatic vegetation in South Carolina led to the formation of the South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Society. 

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources - Aquatic Nuisance Species Program
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in conjunction with the Aquatic Plant Management Council is responsible for the management of nuisance aquatic vegetation in public waters. Each year an Aquatic Plant Management Plan is developed which identifies aquatic weed problem areas, describes management objectives, prescribes management strategies, and determines funding needs and sources.

Texas Aquatic Plant Management Society
Information on the management of invasive aquatic vegetation in the state of Texas.

United States Geological Survey Nonindigenous Aquatic Plant Distribution Information
Diverse in form and habit, many aquatic species have become established in the United States outside of their natural range. Introduced intentionally or escaping from cultivation, nonindigenous plants can colonize aquatic communities where they compete with and often displace native species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata), water-hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) are examples well known for their ability to alter physical and biological functions of aquatic systems.

United States Department of Agriculture - Exotic and Invasive Weed Research Unit
As exotic plants spread rapidly across North America and dominate new areas, they displace desirable plants that provide valuable forage for livestock and wildlife, eliminating critical habitats and affect other natural resources (including water) that are important for threatened and endangered species as well as agricultural production. 

Weed Control Methods Handbook
This online handbook contains information about weed control methods. Consisting of seven chapters and six appendices, it reviews manual, grazing, fire, biocontrol, and herbicide techniques. There are discussions of eleven different herbicides, plus supporting information on herbicide use. 

Weed Management Guide
Principles of weed management, herbicide application equipment and techniques, herbicides, weed management in fruit and nut crops, weed management in field crops and pasture grasses, weed management in ornamentals and turf, weed management in vegetable crops, and other miscellaneous weed management topics are some of the areas discussed within this site. 

Weed Research and Information Center
An interdisciplinary collaboration that fosters research in weed management and facilitates distribution of associated knowledge for the benefit of agriculture and for the preservation of natural resources. 

Weed Science at New Mexico State University
The current projects include: Annual morning glory taxonomy, weed/nematode interactions, weed control in chile peppers, weed control in cotton, weed control in corn and sorghum, weed control in onions, research with transgenic cotton varieties, and weed control in green beans. Many other projects are also listed. 

Weed Science Society of America
The Society was established to encourage and promote the development of knowledge concerning weeds and their impact on the environment. The society membership currently consists of approximately 2,000 scientists worldwide. The Society publishes two journals, Weed Science and Weed Technology. 

Western Aquatic Plant Management Society
The Western Aquatic Plant Management Society is the western chapter of the Aquatic Plant Management Society - an international organization. The purpose is to promote the management of non-native and nuisance aquatic vegetation, encourage scientific research, promote student scholarships, provide scientific advancement and knowledge to its members, and extend and develop public interest in aquatic plant management activities. 

Wisconsin Manual of Control Recommendations for Ecologically Invasive Plants
These guidelines primarily refer to control methods in natural areas, but are not restricted to such areas. Native plants should be protected and encouraged to grow in urban, suburban, and rural lands, not just in protected natural areas. Individuals involved in land management, from parks personnel and public land managers to road crews to private landowners, will find these recommendations useful in efforts to promote balanced and diverse ecological communities throughout Wisconsin, from state parks and scenic river ways to roadsides and backyards

Plant Identification

Federal Agencies

Professional Societies

Exotic Pest Plant / Invasive Species Councils

Univeristy of Florida

U.S. Regions
