
smoke photo

Smoke from wildfires can irritate the eyes and respiratory system, as well as aggravate or exacerbate chronic heart and lung diseases.

Attack Threats


Bioterrorism is the intentional release of any bacteria or viruses used to cause injury or illness to plants, animals, or people. These biological agents can be spread through water, air, or the food supply. The CDC has prepared a list of biological agents and their associated risks. For information about bioterrorism, see Bioterrorism Overview.

Common Exposures to Radiation

What are some of the most common exposures of/to radiation?

Gastrointestinal series (upper & lower)
Cigarette Smoking (average - several packs/day)
CT Scan (head & body)
Nuclear medicine examination of the brain
Average annual background dose to humans
Nuclear medicine examination of the thyroid
Barium Enema
Upper gastrointestinal tract series
Radon in average household
Dose to members of airline crews
Nuclear medicine examination of the lung

ABCs of Hurricanes

A hurricane is the most severe category of "tropical cyclone" - a general term for all circulating weather systems over tropical waters. When the winds of a tropical cyclone reach a constant speed of 74 miles per hour or more and the storm has a well-defined counterclockwise circulation, it is called a hurricane.

Need a Radiation Speaker?

SCDES's Radiation Awareness Program

Our free Radiation Awareness Program can provide you with knowledgeable SCDES speakers who will talk about radiation and nuclear power plants. We can also provide you with free educational materials.

We will provide speakers for:

  • Schools
  • Large Community Groups (50 or more people)

To Request a Speaker:

Please include your name, contact number, organization, and a brief description of the presentation needed.