Watershed Plan Development Grant

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides set-aside funds for the development of watershed plans to address surface water pollutants impacting source water for drinking water systems. A watershed plan can enhance or augment a source water protection (SWP) plan in that it encompasses the entire watershed that impacts the supply source, as well as the delineated source water protection area. Once a watershed plan is in place, it becomes the guidance and framework for any water quality improvement activities in that watershed.

Educational Resources

Despite all the regulatory requirements, general permit coverage reviews/approvals, site-specific SWPPPs and mandated site inspections; contaminated stormwater runoff still reaches and pollutes a high percentage of waterways located within South Carolina. The majority of this results from everyday activities in and around urban communities or from the improper/lack of maintenance of approved stormwater BMPs.

Citadel Wave Dissipation Study

Notice of 60 Day Public Comment Period

December 13, 2016 - February 13, 2017

The Wave Dissipation System (WDS) is a research study under an independently designed and academically sponsored pilot program by The Citadel. The study was established by the South Carolina Legislature in Budget Proviso 34.51 of the 2014-2015 General Appropriations Act (amended in 2015-2016 as Budget Proviso 34.48) and ended on July 28, 2016.