Despite all the regulatory requirements, general permit coverage reviews/approvals, site-specific SWPPPs and mandated site inspections; contaminated stormwater runoff still reaches and pollutes a high percentage of waterways located within South Carolina. The majority of this results from everyday activities in and around urban communities or from the improper/lack of maintenance of approved stormwater BMPs.

Educational Resources have been provided below to help educate and inform residents, developers, and designers of the sources of contaminated stormwater originating beyond construction and industrial activities, how they impact downstream locations, and how they can be prevented.

Green Initiatives cover many innovative ideas promoting the environment including many stormwater BMPs that prevent the discharge of stormwater from residential yards and surrounding communities. These devices can generally be implemented post-construction and are usually current landowners or community associations.

Educational Resources also provides many classroom activities that promote the importance of proper stormwater management. These activities range from in-class worksheets to guest presentations conducted by a current S.C. DHEC employee.

"Stormwater management is not solely the responsibility of engineers, developers, or regulators; its responsibility rests upon each and every individual who resides, labors, and interacts within the state of South Carolina. It is time to learn how to do your part in the effort to reestablish the pristine waterways that once flourished in South Carolina."

Public Outreach

Managing Stormwater In Your Community A guide for building an effective post-construction program. Developed by the Center for Watershed Protection. 
Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater Management Learn what you can do on your property and in your community to improve the health of your watershed. Developed by the Philadelphia Water Department.  
After The Storm A publication that provides a broad overview of stormwater pollution, including runoff from residential and commercial properties, farms, construction sites, automotive facilities, forestry operations, and others. EPA developed. 
Home Solutions to Pollution A homeowner's guide to healthy habits for clean water. EPA Developed. 

Green Initiatives

Raingarden Handbook An informative rain garden handbook that covers the basic principles and benefits of these "green" practices. Developed by Washington State University.  
Grey To Green An informative document developed by the City of Portland that addresses various stormwater practices that involve the implementation of green infrastructure within urbanized areas. 
Raingardern Brochure A rain garden brochure developed by Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary. This brochure details the benefits of implementing rain gardens 
Going Green Downtown A detailed guide developed by Maryland's DNR that promotes the development and redevelopment of green infrastructure in urbanized areas. 
Stormwater & Green Infrastructure A brief document developed by the Center of Technology that underlines the key relationships between stormwater and green infrastructure. 
Rooftops to Rivers A detailed report addressing green strategies for controlling stormwater and combined sewer overflows was published by the NRDC. 

In The Classroom

Stormwater Crossword A crossword puzzle promoting common stormwater and stormwater management terms. 
Stormwater Activity Book An activity booklet developed by Utah State University directed to elementary students through stormwater word searches and other challenging puzzles. 
Water Cycle Worksheet A worksheet that challenges students on their knowledge of the natural water cycle. 
Stormwater Prevention Bookmark A bookmark detailing 10 things you can do to prevent stormwater runoff pollution. 
Stormwater Stickers Printable stickers addressing stormwater runoff pollution. 
A Fish's Wish activity book A short activity book to help young learners find out about runoff pollution from a fish's point of view.