Setback/Separation Requirements

Barns, Stables, Pens or Growing Houses (not including lagoon, storage pond, or waste utilization areas)


  • Human Drinking Water Wells - 1,750 feet (excluding the applicants which must be 100 feet)
  • Irrigation wells (including animal drinking water wells - 100 feet

Ditches except site drainage:

  • which drain to waters of the state including ephemeral and intermittent streams - 100 feet

Residence/ Property Line (excluding the applicants residence) - 1,750 feet

Manure Broker & Land Applicator Information

Manure Brokers

SC Regulation 61-43 was updated in 2002 to include specific requirements for manure brokers. A manure broker is defined as a person who accepts or purchases animal manure from agricultural facilities and transfers this product to a third party for land application. The manure broker may either spread the manure themselves or simply transfer the manure to the third party for land application. In either case, the manure broker and the third party are bound by the same land application requirements as the owner of any agricultural facility which produces animal manure.

Inspections and Enforcement

Agricultural Facilities - Inspections, Enforcement

Compliance and Monitoring Inspections

Once a facility begins operating, it is added to the list of wastewater facilities that are inspected by the EA Regional Offices under the oversight of the Bureau of Water's Compliance Assurance Division. Each of the eight Regional Offices is required to perform agricultural inspections to ensure facilities are in compliance with the requirements of their permit and animal facility management plan.

Annual Operating Fees

Annual Operating Fees for Agricultural Permits

General Information

Since 1987, the South Carolina General Assembly has authorized DHEC to assess annual environmental operating permit fees for certain state permits. Changes to the fee regulation, State Regulation 61-30, went into effect on June 26, 1998, which include annual operating fees for agricultural facilities (animal growing operations). The fee amount is based on the type of animal operation and either the size of the facility or the type of manure handling.

Toxic Release Inventory Reporting

Facilities are required to submit Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) electronically via the internet to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Central Data Exchange. Facilities submitting by internet are exempt from any separate mailing to S.C. DHEC. South Carolina does not impose additional requirements on facilities beyond what is required by federal law and regulations. Electronically submitted TRI reports are due by July 1.

South Carolina TRI Contact: