Five Year Accident History Required Following Accidental Release

For each accidental release, document:

  • Date, time, and release duration.
  • Chemical(s) released.
  • Estimated quantity released in pounds.
  • Type of release and the source.
  • Weather conditions, if known.
  • On-site impacts.
  • Off-site impacts, if known.
  • Initiating event and contributing factors, if known.
  • Whether offsite responders were notified, if known.
  • Process or operational changes as a result of the release.

Assessing Potential Accidental Release Consequences

In the hazard assessment section of the Risk Management Program, facilities must evaluate the possible consequences of an accidental release to nearby communities, schools, hospitals, recreational facilities, and other public and environmentally sensitive areas by predicting the "worst-case" and "alternative" (i.e., more likely) release scenarios. These scenarios can be demonstrated using computer-based models. Facilities must also document past accidents that have occurred at the facility for the last five years.

Air Quality: Accidental Releases - 112(r) Rule

In 1996, the EPA issued a rule aimed at preventing accidental releases and reducing the severity of releases that do occur. The rule, Risk Management Program Rule under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990, has been amended and updated on several occasions.

Amendments to Rule

Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Program Requirements Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7); Amendments to the Submission Schedule and Data Requirements; Final Rule. (69 FR 18819)

Accidental Releases Documentation Required Onsite

  • For worst case and alternative scenarios, the facility must have on site the description of the vessel/pipeline and substance selected as worst case, all assumptions and parameters used, and the rationale behind said assumptions. Documentation should include the anticipated effect the mitigation and controls have on the release rate.
  • Document the release quantity, release rate, and duration.
  • Methodology used to determine endpoints.
  • Data used to estimate population and environmental receptors affected.

Accidental Releases - Alternative Scenario Analysis Required

For each toxic substance, one alternative scenario must be submitted. For example, if a facility has 5 toxic substances, the Offsite Consequence Analysis must have one worst-case analysis and five alternative scenarios.

For each flammable substance, one alternative scenario must be submitted to represent all flammables. For example, if a facility has 6 flammable substances, the Offsite Consequence Analysis must have one worst-case analysis and one alternative scenario for the worst-case flammable substance.