This page will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
SCDES is closely monitoring developments with Hurricane Florence. We are working with Governor McMaster and the South Carolina Emergency Management Division in accordance with the South Carolina Emergency Operations Plan and the South Carolina Hurricane Plan.
Stay tuned to your local weather forecast and get the latest information about our preparation and response efforts by following us on Twitter and Facebook.
In response to Hurricane Florence, SCDES staff continues to actively assess and respond to ongoing public health and environmental needs across the state. For important information on steps you can take, please visit our hurricane preparedness page.
Latest Updates:
- By executive order Governor McMaster has closed state government offices in the following counties, except for employees deemed essential by their agency director: - (09/13/2018)
Berkeley; Calhoun; Charleston; Clarendon; Darlington; Dillon; Dorchester; Florence; Georgetown; Horry; Lee; Lexington; Marion; Marlboro; Orangeburg; Richland; Sumter; and Williamsburg.
As part of our preparedness efforts, SCDES has taken the following actions (updated at 3 p.m. on 09/12/2018):
Health Care Facilities:
- On September 10, 2018, the Governor issued a Mandatory Medical Evacuation (MME) order for health care facilities regulated by SCDES in the evacuation zone.
- As of Wednesday at 9 a.m., more than 1,700 people had been evacuated from health care facilities along the coast. The Department continues to communicate with facilities to assess and monitor their status and identify any needs or issues they may have.
Special Medical Needs Shelters:
- SCDES has opened 3 special medical needs shelters to provide shelter for people whose medical conditions exceed the capabilities of the general population shelters, but are not severe enough to require a hospital stay. We do not provide health care services in these shelters.
*NOTE: if you think you may need this type of shelter, please call our CARELINE at 1-855-472-3432).
- As of Tuesday at 11 p.m., SCDES had assessed 181 dams. The Department has utilized the CodeRED system multiple times to notify more than 2,000 dam owners via voice call, text message and email. Dam owners were urged to evaluate their water levels and coordinate lowering levels with other owners downstream to avoid flooding.
Coastal Resources:
- SCDES has issued blanket emergency orders to local governments to allow property owners along the immediate beachfront to conduct sand scraping or install sandbags to provide temporary protection from anticipated wave uprush from the pending storm. The Department has asked local governments along the coast to provide updates on beachfront erosion and damage through our MYCoast application. Property owners should coordinate with local governments to obtain emergency order authorization. Visit SCDES's Coastal Recovery page for more information.
SCDES Office Closures:
SCDES follows the closings and delays of county offices. For example, if Beaufort County offices are closed, our health clinics and offices in the county will be closed as well. The latest information on delays and closures can be found at http://scemd.org or on local media. We will update this information here as it becomes available.
Berkeley - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Calhoun - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Charleston - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Clarendon - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Darlington - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Dillon - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Dorchester - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Florence - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Georgetown - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Horry - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Lee - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Lexington - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Marion - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Marlboro - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Orangeburg - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Richland - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Sumter - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Williamsburg - September 13, 2018 CLOSED
Previous Updates:
Governor McMaster has signed Executive Order No. 2018-28 issuing a Mandatory Medical Evacuation of Healthcare Facilities - (09/10/2018)
Affected Areas:- Beaufort (Zone A)
- Berkeley (Zones B, G, H, and I)
- Charleston (Zones A, B, and C)
- Colleton (Zones A, B)
- Dorchester (Zones D, E, and F)
- Georgetown (Zones A, B, and C)
- Horry (Zones A, B, and C)
- Jasper (Zones A, B)
- Governor McMaster issues Executive Order 2018-30, ordering Closures of all State Government Offices for all non-essential personnel in 26 counties. - (09/10/2018)
- SCDES has issued blanket emergency orders to local governments to allow property owners along the immediate beachfront to conduct minor renourishment, sand scraping or install sandbags to provide temporary protection to beachfront structures from wave uprush. Click here to view emergency orders. - (09/10/2018)
Stay Connected
Stay tuned to your local weather forecast and get the latest information about our preparation and response efforts by following us on Twitter and Facebook.