NEW! Vessel Turn-In Program Application
Deadline closed for event 1. Please submit an application if you'd like to be considered for potential future events.
MyCoast: South Carolina ADV Reporting Tool
Quickly and easily report abandoned and derelict vessels using the MyCoast: South Carolina ADV Reporting Tool.
Abandoned and derelict vessels (ADV) are a chronic problem in our coastal environment. In addition to direct impact on fragile marsh and benthic habitat, ADVs diminish the safe recreational use of our waterways and are a visual blight on the landscape. SCDES BCM has worked with federal, state, and local partners on abandoned vessel removal projects across the South Carolina coast. Vessel removals are often costly and despite such efforts, ADVs continue to be a problem in coastal South Carolina.
South Carolina Pilot Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP)
With partner and stakeholder input, including feedback from the South Carolina ADV Working Group, SCDES BCM developed a five-year marine debris strategy, focused on ADV prevention. This strategy, funded through NOAA's Section 309 Coastal Zone Enhancement Program, includes piloting a Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) to provide boat owners with a safe, responsible, no-cost option for disposing of ‘end-of-life’ vessels before they become derelict. The strategy also includes piloting a fiberglass vessel hull recycling program as an alternative to landfilling. Lessons learned from these pilot initiatives will be used to examine opportunities for long-term ADV prevention programs in South Carolina.
A pilot Vessel Turn-In event was held in the Charleston area in late 2024. SCDES BCM is currently evaluating results of the pilot program. Please check back here for news about potential future VTIP opportunities.
Abandoned and Derelict Vessel (ADV) Working Group
In January 2016, SCDES BCM convened the Abandoned and Derelict Vessel (ADV) Working Group to examine inter-governmental challenges associated with ADV removal and prevention. The ADV Working Group examined the challenges associated with vessel abandonment and developed recommendations for improved management. In August 2021, the ADV Working Group was reconvened to provide input on the following:
- SC Pilot Vessel Turn-In Program
- Statewide database of abandoned and derelict vessels
- Opportunities for inter-agency coordination and collaboration
For more information, including ADV Working Group meeting agendas, notes, resources, and presentations, visit the Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Working Group webpage.