
The SCDNR is now accepting applications and supporting recommendations for the Lower Savannah-Salkehatchie River Basin Council. Application forms and instructions are available for download. The application deadline is September 22nd, 2023. All applicants should review the information below before submitting an application.

Applications should be submitted to Ken Rentiers by email (rentiersk@des.sc.gov) or through regular mail to:
Ken Rentiers, Deputy Director
Land, Water & Conservation Division
SC Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 167
Columbia, SC 29202

Lower Savannah-Salkehatchie River Basin Council Membership Application

To download an application (fillable pdf format), please click below.

Information for Applicants

IMPORTANT: The development of a River Basin Plan by the RBC will be a long, continuous process, and participation in the RBC will require a significant investment of time and resources by each member. Applicants should clearly understand the time commitment required of RBC members. To that end, applicants should carefully review the entire contents of the Planning Framework to become familiar with the expectations, roles, and responsibilities of RBC members.

It is anticipated that the RBC will meet monthly during the two-year development of the initial River Basin Plan, and these meetings will typically last 4 to 6 hours. RBC members also should expect to participate in subcommittees, which may meet periodically between full Council meetings. RBC members will be required to review basin planning documentation and reports developed and presented during the process.

The work of the RBC does not end with the publication of the River Basin Plan. The River Basin Plan will include an Implementation Plan, which describes specific goals and actions to be taken over a five-year period by the RBC regarding implementation of the River Basin Plan’s water management recommendations and strategies. In addition, the Planning Framework calls for River Basin Plans to be amended as needed and updated at least every five years.

The Lower Savannah-Salkehatchie RBC will be composed of up to 25 members appointed by SCDNR and selected from the following eight water-interest categories:

  1. Agriculture, Forestry and Irrigation Interests
  2. Local Governments
  3. Water and Sewer Utilities
  4. Electric-Power Utilities and Non-Federal Reservoir Operators
  5. Industry and Economic Development Interests
  6. Water-Based Recreation Interests
  7. Environmental Interests
  8. At-Large Water-Based Interests

Each RBC member must represent one designated interest category, and RBC members must be knowledgeable and experienced in the interest category they represent. RBC members are required to reside, work, or officially represent an entity having a significant interest in the water resources of the Lower Savannah-Salkehatchie planning basin. If an umbrella association exists for a stakeholder interest group, the respective association may recommend a council member by submitting an endorsement letter to SCDNR. Membership on the State Drought Response Committee or a recognized SCDES Groundwater Management Group may be used as additional qualifiers for selecting members to RBC slots. Efforts will be made by SCDNR to appoint members with significant water-related interests in different geographic areas of the basin so different regions of the planning basin are represented on the RBC.

The initial duration of RBC terms will be for two, three, or four years, determined randomly. Each subsequent term will have a duration of three years. After serving an initial term, RBC members may request to serve an additional three-year term, with reappointment subject to SCDNR approval.