Electronics Recycling: Businesses, Retailers, and Manufacturers
The South Carolina Manufacturer Responsibility and Consumer Convenience Information Technology Equipment Collection and Recovery Act

Each year the Smart Business Recycling Program recognizes outstanding waste reduction & recycling efforts throughout South Carolina. The state has a goal to recycle 50 percent of waste generated by 2030 - echoing the U.S.
A free, nonregulatory service of the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services
Many small business owners may not fully understand environmental regulations and may not have the resources to hire an environmental consultant to determine if their business operation requires an environmental permit. The South Carolina Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SC SBEAP) is available to help determine if your business may require this type of permit through technical assistance, education, outreach, and advocacy at no cost to the business.
After your free and confidential site visit and/or waste audit, let us help you design a recycling program that best fits your needs and budget. The following tips can help you get started with a new program or improve an existing recycling or composting program, and find out what materials are recyclable.
Businesses are encouraged to conserve natural resources by reducing waste and recycling, saving energy, conserving water, and improving air quality. The following partnerships with South Carolina local governments represent a spectrum of services from collection to certification. Consider these resources when establishing a waste reduction and recycling program. These partnerships enable businesses and industries to learn from others as well as receive local guidance and benefits for reducing the amount of material going to landfills.
Businesses – large or small – purchase goods and services, use energy and water, and generate and dispose of waste. In fact, more than half of the waste generated in South Carolina comes from businesses.