Enforcement and Violations - Drinking Water, Well Drilling

The Drinking Water Enforcement Section functions to carry out enforcement actions involving all aspects of public water system compliance, public swimming pool/spa compliance, and well drilling activities compliance. The functions of this section, combined with the efforts of the Drinking Water Compliance Monitoring Section and other sections of this Bureau, the Environmental Affairs Regional Offices, and other areas within DHEC, work together to ensure safe drinking water for the continued health and welfare of the citizens of South Carolina.

Inspections and Enforcement

Agricultural Facilities - Inspections, Enforcement

Compliance and Monitoring Inspections

Once a facility begins operating, it is added to the list of wastewater facilities that are inspected by the EA Regional Offices under the oversight of the Bureau of Water's Compliance Assurance Division. Each of the eight Regional Offices is required to perform agricultural inspections to ensure facilities are in compliance with the requirements of their permit and animal facility management plan.