Tax Credits

Section 12-6-3370 of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws provides for a state tax credit for the construction, installation or restoration of water impoundments and water control structures used for certain purposes. That Section of the 1976 Code is printed here:

Section 12-6-3370. Tax credits for construction, installation or restoration of water impoundments and water control structures.

ReadyOP Alert System

What is ReadyOP?

The Dam Safety Program has contracted with ReadyOp Communications Inc to implement the ReadyOP emergency notification tool. ReadyOP allows the Dam Safety Program to quickly alert the owners, operators, and designated emergency contacts of state-regulated dams. These messages may be issued to the owners, operators, and designated emergency contacts of all regulated dams statewide or targeted to dams by Hazard Classification or by region based on the nature of the potential or actual emergency.

SCDES Laws and Regulations: Water

The following list is a comprehensive compilation of the Department of Environmental Service’s (SCDES) water, dams, and reservoirs laws and regulations. Copies of these laws and regulations are provided by SCDES for the convenience of the public. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this list. However, this list is not the official text. SCDES reserves the right to withdraw or correct this list if deviations from the official text as published in the South Carolina State Register are found.