This webpage is no longer maintained. It may be useful as background information or to provide a historical perspective on a topic or project.  

Community Outreach

SCDES recognizes that learning about environmental contamination in any community can be upsetting. Our first priority will always be ensuring the safety of all residents. SCDES is committed to keeping the local community informed as the site progresses.  This web page has been developed as a community resource and will be updated as new information is made available.

On September 19, 2016, SCDES staff visited residences on Pecan Drive, Cherry Drive, Robin Hood Drive, Little John Road, and Pinewood Drive to share information about SCDES's investigation.  Residents were given a hand-out about the PCB investigation, which included precautionary recommendations to minimize their potential exposure to contaminated soils and creek sediments.

Residents with confirmed PCB sample results were notified by SCDES. Additional properties may be identified for sampling by the EPA.

On November 2, 2016, SCDES held a community meeting at Long Middle School in Cheraw. SCDES staff presented information about the ongoing investigation and the expected next steps. SCDES provided notice of this meeting by mail and through local media outlets.


Cheraw Public MeetingCheraw Public Meeting

The PCB contamination in Cheraw is an ongoing cleanup project. The EPA has taken the lead in the cleanup and is determining the most effective method(s) for minimizing the potential for future impacts to public health and the environment.

On June 1, 2017, the EPA held a public meeting to discuss the findings of the investigation and plans for the initial phase of the removal action involving the excavation of contaminated soils from residential yards on Pecan Drive. During the meeting, EPA announced that removal would begin the week of June 5, 2017.

Cheraw Public MeetingCheraw Public MeetingCheraw Public Meeting

For questions or more information about the EPA's meeting, please contact Stephanie Brown, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator, toll-free, at 1-877-718-3752, or by e-mail at

The EPA is conducting community outreach activities in conjunction with its sampling and cleanup of the site. The following table provides a timeline of some of EPA's community outreach milestones:

Statement Summary

  • November 2016
    EPA Community Involvement Coordinator designated as:
    Stephanie Y. Brown
    Phone: 1-877-718-3752
  • February 2017
    Informal door-to-door visits to request access for sampling and to conduct community interviews.
  • February 2017
    Established a local information repository where project information about the site and EPA activities can be easily accessed by community members:
    Matheson Memorial Library
    227 Huger Street
    Cheraw, SC 29520
    Phone: (843) 537-0506
  • February 2017
    EPA Burlington Industries Cheraw Site Fact Sheet No. 1 announcing EPA activities at the site was mailed to the local community.
  • April 2017
    EPA Postcard about the completion of initial sampling was mailed to the local community.
  • May 2017
    EPA Burlington Industries Cheraw Site Fact Sheet No. 2 (May 2017) announcing the June Public Meeting was mailed to the local community.
  • May 2017
    EPA News Release announcing the June Public Meeting.
  • June 2017
    EPA held its first public meeting on June 1, 2017, at 6:00 pm:
    Long Middle School
    1010 West Greene Street
    Cheraw, SC 29520
  • January 18, 2018
    Burlington Industries Cheraw site formally proposed to be put on the federal NPL list.
  • February 20, 2018
    EPA held a public meeting to discuss the previous removal activities by the EPA, the upcoming removal actions by Highlands, and the proposed listing on the NPL. The meeting was attended by approximately 50 residents.
  • May 15, 2018
    The site was formally added to the NPL in the May 15, 2018, Federal Register notice of final rule. The listing on the NPL will allow the site to be further assessed under the federal Superfund program to determine if long-term remedial actions are needed.


In addition to these activities, the EPA has established a toll-free phone number, 1-877-718-3752, and a mailing list for persons interested in receiving updates about this cleanup project. The EPA will also prepare an official Community Involvement Plan.

SCDES will continue to provide updated information about the site on this web page as it becomes available.

Community Resources





Online Resources

  • PCBs are known to build up over time in the fatty parts of fish.  SCDES provides annual fish consumption advisories for water bodies across the state, including the Great Pee Dee River.
  • For additional information about PCBs, potential health effects, clean-up, and disposal of waste, please visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's website at
  • Information on health effects that have been associated with exposure to PCBs can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's ToxFAQs sheet.
  • Information on gardening and PCB-contaminated soils can be found in ATSDR's Spring 2016 Gardening in PCB-Contaminated Soil.
  • For more information about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Program, please visit

EPA Progress Reports

Additional information on the progress of the removal activities can be found in EPA's Pollution Reports (POLREPs):

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If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive future information about this investigation, please complete this form, noting your preferred method of contact (e-mail or U.S. postal mail).